Register & verify yourself
Sign up with Studiwork as a job seeker by creating a Studiworker profile. This gives you access to all platform features.
To reliably receive your earned money, you need a Stripe account for the payouts. At the same time, you verify your profile in this step.
Don't worry, the setup takes only a few minutes and is free for you. We will guide you through the process.
Complete your profile
Make your profile stand out
With your registration, you have created a profile with the necessary details. To use Studiwork successfully, you now need to provide meaningful information about your skills.
Add activities to your application profile, describe what you can do, what you want to earn, and complete all other details to give potential clients an optimal impression of you.
Upload a profile picture to make a good first impression.
Application & Booking
How You Get Booked
At Studiwork, you apply for jobs. Clients compare your profile with other applications and can book you.
If a client books you, they want you to complete their job. Confirm the job to make the booking binding for the client.
Get in touch
Make the necessary arrangements
You can now make additional arrangements with your client personally in the Studiwork chat.
If you value privacy, you can set up the "Chat Only" feature, so you prefer to be contacted only through the Studiwork chat.
Perform the job
Your job begins... and ends
It is especially important to perform a job conscientiously. This includes punctuality and reliability in particular.
If your job is paid via Studipay, you can issue an invoice in your account directly after the job ends. Once the client pays your invoice, the money will be credited to your account.
If you are paid in cash, you will receive your payment directly on-site. In this case, you are personally responsible for correct billing.
Your client can rate you after the job. Many good ratings help you secure more jobs in the future and stand out from other Studiworkers.